Mr Terry Jones is at it again…
How did I miss this last month? He really did it, how can he honestly say he doesn’t feel responsible for the deaths of innocent people. This man is no better than your average Sadistic Religious Fanatic. Why isn’t the government doing their job to protect us, the average humans residing on earth, from this man and his hatred of other humans.
He is surely creaming his pants knowing that he, one deranged little man, can cause such uproar all around the world. He is a true Warlock of the United States of America!! Yes, that is right I called him a Warlock, a traitor, not only to the country but to the basic religious foundations of this great country. Why hasn’t he been sent to Guantanamo Bay like all of the other terrorists? I ask this because he is doing his part to put our very brave men and woman both civilian and military in harms way by his actions. Last time I checked the “Dove” was a symbol of peace, he is breaching his fundamental naming structure of his own cult by inciting violence.
I know they say the squeaky wheel gets the oil, but where is the oil in this case? Oil him down and let him lean over those flames to throw a book in. I know violence doesn’t in any way stop violence but there must come a time where “We The People” need to rise up and take a stand against ignorant fools like this. People like him need to be locked up in a solitary room and then silently executed. Does it stop the war on terror, maybe not but it sure would make a clear statement that “We The People” won’t tolerate someone who is putting our fellow citizens and other humans around the world in harms way.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best in his most famous speech. I know in those days he was talking about racism in America, but the quote I share with you today fits with the events that are unfolding here in these days and this era of world religious turmoil.
"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr."
Complete "I Have a Dream" Speech here
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